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Sends a request to the Twitter API and returns rich objects or the raw API output.


Invoke-TwitterRequest [-RequestParameters] <TwitterRequest> [<CommonParameters>]


Sends a request to the Twitter API and returns rich objects or the raw API output.

If BluebirdPS does not have a corresponding command to call a specific endpoint, this command can be used to send a request to the endpoint.

The API response is parsed based on the endpoint version, returning rich objects, or raw API output if no suitable object type exists.

This command handles API v2 pagination and v1.1 cursoring. Specifically, it will recurse when the raw API output includes meta.next_token or next_cursor.

Beginning with v0.8.2, this command supports the waiting and resuming of API calls when the rate limit has been reached. With the BluebirdPS Configuration value for RateLimitAction set to Resume, the command will wait until the rate limit is reset and resume the current request. It will only resume up to an hour (60 minutes) after the initial rate limit breach. For most endpoints, this will allow another 4 API calls.

See the contextual help about_BluebirdPS_TwitterRequest for details on using [BluebirdPS.TwitterRequest] class.

NOTE: This command does not handle any Twitter API streams and has only been tested against Standard v1.1 and v2 endpoints.


Example 1

PS > $Request = [BluebirdPS.TwitterRequest]@{
       ExpansionType = 'User'
       Endpoint = ''
PS > Invoke-TwitterRequest -RequestParameters $Request
Id              : 1330877955057344513
Name            : BluebirdPS
UserName        : BluebirdPS
CreatedAt       : 11/23/2020 2:17:32 PM
Description     : #BluebirdPS is a Twitter automation client for #PowerShell 7.
Entities        : {,,}
Location        : Nashville, TN
PinnedTweetId   :
ProfileImageUrl :
Protected       : False
PublicMetrics   : FollowersCount: 1, FollowingCount: 4, ListedCount: 0, TweetCount: 0
Url             :
Verified        : False
Withheld        :

Get the user BluebirdPS using the specified endpoint using all field expansions for users.

Example 2

PS > $Request = [BluebirdPS.TwitterRequest]@{ Endpoint = '' }
PS > Invoke-TwitterRequest -RequestParameters $Request
Id              : 1330877955057344513
Name            :
UserName        : BluebirdPS
CreatedAt       :
Description     :
Entities        :
Location        :
PinnedTweetId   :
ProfileImageUrl :
Protected       : False
PublicMetrics   :
Url             :
Verified        : False
Withheld        :

Get the user BluebirdPS using the specified endpoint without using any field expansions.

Example 3

PS > Set-BluebirdPSConfiguration -OutputType JSON
PS > $Request = [BluebirdPS.TwitterRequest]@{
       ExpansionType = 'User'
       Endpoint = ''
PS > Invoke-TwitterRequest -RequestParameters $Request
  "data": {
    "username": "BluebirdPS",
    "profile_image_url": "",
    "name": "BluebirdPS",
    "id": "1330877955057344513",
    "url": "",
    "location": "Nashville, TN",
    "verified": false,
    "entities": {
      "url": "@{urls=System.Object[]}",
      "description": "@{urls=System.Object[]; hashtags=System.Object[]}"
    "created_at": "2020-11-23T14:17:32Z",
    "public_metrics": {
      "followers_count": 1,
      "following_count": 4,
      "tweet_count": 0,
      "listed_count": 0
    "protected": false,
    "description": "#BluebirdPS is a Twitter automation client for #PowerShell 7."

Set the BluebirdPS configuration value for OutputType to JSON, then get the user BluebirdPS using the specified endpoint with field expansions. Returns the raw API output.



A TwitterRequest object instance providing the HTTP method, endpoint, query, OAuth version, and more.

See about_TwitterRequest for details on using [BluebirdPS.TwitterRequest] class.

Type: BluebirdPS.TwitterRequest
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: True
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.






Online Version